Saturday, 11 November 2023

B6B - Barelang 6 Bridges (11-13 November 2023), Day 1 - Puteri Harbour to Kelong Almira, Batam


8 am with the Second Link Bridge connecting Malaysia and Singapore in the background.

We were exuberant to be finally sailing for Batam. The ferry operator, Putri Anggreni was really twirling us around their fingers! First of all, their ferry tickets cannot be purchased more than 4 weeks in advance. When we finally purchased the tickets on 15 October for the 7.30 am departure, they came back to tell us on 28 October that they had to cancel the 7.30 am departure due to technical issues. We were offered a refund or a reschedule. Thereafter, on 9 November, they called us again to offer us the same 7.30 am departure. So yes, we switched from Plan A to Plan B and back to Plan A again!!!

Waiting for Mr Lim at designated meet up point. Few of us will ride to Puteri Harbour together

Here comes Mr Lim, right on time at 6 am!

7.25 am, all smiles after we crossed Malaysia's passport controls with bicycles declared with customs department. Mindy and York Fuan who had stayed overnight at Claudine's place had rode out from Horizon Hills with Mr Lim, VT and Claudine at 6 am in the morning. The rests had either parked at Puteri Harbour or arranged drop off. 

Unfortunately, Henry had to drop out of the trip at the 11th hour due to dengue fever. As he purchased his tickets directly from the counter at Puteri Harbour, Zoe managed to get him a full refund.

Meanwhile, Kelvin and Jasmine's car met with an accident a few days earlier. They too, had to cancel. They were advised to seek a refund from Redbus as they had purchased the tickets through their app.

"See you again" caption on the signboard as Malaysia says goodbye to us. In the background is our ferry waiting for us.

Strange that all of us here had purchased the tickets for the same journey with varying prices. Mr Liew had paid RM190 for a return journey having bought directly from the counter this morning. As for VT, even though the tickets were sold at RM190, he managed to get it at RM180 with a first time use on Redbus App. After the purchase, he received a RM15 voucher and a new discount code which he then used to purchase a ticket for Claudine at RM165. Meanwhile, accepting the invitation from Claudine to use the Redbus app entitled Mr Lim to a RM20 voucher. He paid RM170.

On the bridge @ 7.30 am. 

From the jetty to the bridge...

...and into the ferry!

VT seated right behind the bridge.

All smiles

Seating arrangements with an upper deck 

The Stern with a small cafeteria

Clean toilets

Going up for some air

Puteri Harbour in the background

Another ferry docked adjacent to ours'

In the background is a jetty that we have cycled on a few times. Popular with anglers, it is funny to see it from a different angle today

One more shot as the ferry leaves the harbour. Note the Malaysian flag flown at the bow of the ship which will later be removed once we are out of Malaysian borders

Morning sunrise. It will be a hot hot day throughout. 

Even though it was a 7.30 am departure, our ferry only started sailing at 8 am. We arrived in Batam's Harbour Bay at 9.45 am, despite a promised 1.5 hours journey.
Note the Indonesian flag flown at the stern of the ship to denote the country we are sailing to.

Puteri Harbour in the background

Second link Bridge with Forest City in the background

Tuas CIQ

Going under the Second Link Bridge

Malaysia in the background

Note the ferry's route which goes right under the highest part of the bridge which is also the border line between Malaysia and Singapore waters.

Singapore's on our right while Malaysia is on our left

Forest city with Tanjung Bin's smoke stack spewing pollution into the air. Tanjung Bin is a coal fueled power plant.

Floating crane for marine construction 

Pulau Merambong Lighthouse. Note the line of ships in the horizon, queueing up to dock at Port of Tanjung Pelepas

Pulau Merambung is uninhabited and covered mainly by mangrove swamps.

Interestingly, the island has received many visitors especially from those keen to study its rich biodiversity. There are also group tours conducted for picnickers, anglers and canoeists.

If you are visiting, please be respectful. The island is also known as Pulau Mayat by the locals. This is because many graves are found in the area and the locals believe many seafarers who died at sea are buried there.

Hua Kee Kelong, a resort cum fishing deck

Once we were on International waters, the Malaysian flag was duly removed. The chequered flag and the yellow flag were then flown. When entering ports, the chequered flag means the ship is coming to its end of destination and the yellow flag denotes "I have a clean bill of health and require free pratique". In this sense pratique means health clearance. 

Cargo ships passing by...

...this is the busiest shipping route in the world... makes you wonder how long the sailors have been at sea!

NYK Line's Helios Leader is car carrier built in 2009 in Japan by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Kobe Shipyard & Machinery Works. This ship is 199 m in length (about the length of 2 football fields) and 32 m in width (width in requirements of Panamax ie the largest dimension approved to fit through the locks of the Panama Canal). This ship can carry up to 6341 cars. Looking like a floating shoe box, the ship's hull is only 15% submerged. 

RSS Indomitable (19) is a patrol ship belonging to Singapore's Navy

Raffles Lighthouse

Unnamed lighthouse. Link can be seen with satellite view @

Unnamed lighthouse. Link can be seen with satellite view @

Marina Bay Sands, Singapore Flyer and Gardens by the Bay 

As we sailed nearer to Batam Island, we caught a glimpse of Pulau Belakang Padang

Pulau Sambu Fuel Terminal, the first fuel terminal in Indonesia

There are several ferry terminals in Batam Island. Our ferry docked at Batam's Harbour Bay

Our ferry @ 9.45 am, Malaysian time.

Getting out of Harbour Bay Ferry Terminal @

First stop, Makan @ 10.30 am Malaysian time!

At Selera Bunda, rice, vegetables and sambal are complimentary. They only charge you for the meat dishes @

Picking up the rest of the team who were sprawled along this row of food stalls as some prefer less spicy food.

All ready to ride out after lunch but ....

... York Fuan's first puncture at 11 am, Malaysian time!

Total disregard to the banner, "Dilarang parkir di depan pintu"

On the move again at 11.45 am, Malaysian time

Crazy traffic at Jalan Duyung @

Pura Agong Amerta Bhuana at 12 pm, Malaysian time

It was just a small Hindu temple with Balinese gateway or Candi Bentar which features a split gateway

Jalan Gajah Mada @

Jalan Gajah Mada with the upper split road merging into one ahead @

After a long hill climb at extreme heat, we made another stop but this time for drinks only @

Note York Fuan is all smiles here but she will soon suffer a puncture 2.5 km from this coffee shop.

The girls were left on their own with no help at all the as the men rode ahead without even looking back to check if everyone had made the left turn. Only Claudine had waited and upon not spotting Zoe nor York Fuan, had turned back to be informed of the flat tyre.

As Claudine rode ahead to shout for everyone to stop for help, Chooi did as she was told but did not shout at Mindy who was in front of her. Thus Claudine had to chase down Mindy and asked her to return to the girls as she was more experienced with tube changing.  @

All the delays only further the distance between the girls and the men. After some chasing and with no sights of the men, Claudine finally gave up the chase. Too far to turn back to the girls, she only hoped for the men to notice no one were following behind. This seems futile as nobody came to their rescue. As such, she had to stop 2 motorcyclists and request them to tell the men ahead that they were delayed by a puncture. 

The message did get sent to the men. But they were 6.5 km ahead at the planned left turn. By the time VT set off for the rescue, the girls were already on their way. They met him halfway.

Fruit stop near Bundaran Simpang Barelang, a major roundabout

The fruit shop @

Right outside the fruit stall. Ahead is the big roundabout for Barelang

Trans Barelang begins @ 2.30 pm!!!

The road narrows from a 4 lane expressway with a road divider to a 2 lane road just before Batalyon Infanteri 136/Tuah Sakti, an army camp 

Batalyon Infanteri 136/Tuah Sakti, an army camp 

Gorgeous route. 

Right after the army camp, we begin to catch glimpses of Tembesi Reservoir.

Pictured here are colourful hats for sale by the roadside... 

...cycling helmets too!!!

Harris Resort marks the start of the 1st bridge

Here comes the gang

1st Bridge

Political propoganda

1st Bridge aka Tengku Fisabilillah Bridge connects Batam and Tonton island. It stretches for 642 metres and is the longest of the six.

Workmen were painting the curb when we were there

Note the holes by the side of road to drain rainwater. No grills were built for this purpose, possibly to prevent theft of metal parts

Views from the bridge. There are fish farms by the sea

Nipah Island Resort had not resumed operations when we were there. It had closed down following effects from the pandemic 

The horizon is decked with tiny specks of islands 

There are many food carts along the bridge...

...and many food stalls after the bridge, on Tonton Island

The 2nd Bridge is a cantilever bridge. Named Nara Singa Bridge, it is 420 m in length. It connects Tonton Island to Nipah Island.

As there are not many developments on Tonton Island besides more food stalls by the roadside, we breezed through quickly.

Yours truly, on the 2nd Bridge with the 1st Bridge in the background.

View of Nipah Island

View of PT Batam Slop and Sludge Treatment Centre.

In short PTBSSTC promotes zero waste initiatives in the maritime industry. It uses pyrolysis technologies to treat and manage marine waste, oil refineries and maritime related projects. It offer services in Marine Petroleum Operational Waste, Cargo Oil Residues, Oil Water Waste Emulsions, Engine room Bilges Water, Tank Cleaning Services, etc

On the 3rd Bridge, heading for Setokok Island after a long lunch break

The 3rd Bridge, named Ali Haji Bridge is a girder bridge which connects Nipah Island to Setokok Island. It spans 270 m

View of the cape on Setokok Island

View from the 3rd Bridge

Mini Eiffel Tower

Yonif 10 Mariner, Indonesian Marines

On the 4th Bridge, heading for Rempang Island

The 4th Bridge aka Sultan Zainal Abidin Bridge is a cantilever bridge with a length of 365 m. It connects Setokok Island to Rempang Island

While we breezed through the earlier bridges and islands, Rempang Island proved tough. It is by far the largest island and comes with many hill climbs.

1st tea break of cold drinks...

...super hot day!

2nd teabreak at 5.15 pm, Malaysian time @

There was another 15 km from this point to our final destination, our stay for the night at Kelong Almira Resort but the short distance took us more than an hour because York Fuan had her 3rd puncture, midway!!!

Weather starts to cool down after this 2nd break as the sun begins to dip towards the horizon. Sunset in Batam is 6.30 pm, Indonesian time 

Kelong Almira is the nearest property on stilts. It is located on Galang Island, right after the 5th bridge

On the 5th Bridge, heading for Galang Island.

Tuanku Tambusai Bridge connects Rempang Island to Galang Island. It is 385 m in length

Another view from the Bridge

Sunsetting from the 5th Bridge @ at 6.25 pm, Malaysian time

Happiness is arriving at Kelong Amira after a long and hot day. We reserve the last bridge and island for the next day.

Total mileage 65 km, 3 punctures!


Kelong Amira, Whatsapp +62 812-7611-6614

We paid IDR500,000 per room for 2 pax with breakfasts. 

Breakfast is a simple set meal with coffee or tea.
Choices as below :
1. Mee goreng
2. Nasi goreng
3. Nasi kuning - rice with tempe, egg, salted fish, a bit of mee goreng and sambal
4. Lontong - nasi himpit with vegetable curry

As the kelong is far away from any restaurants, we can order dinner from them. We were offered :
1. BBQ fish, rice, vegetables,  sambal @ IDR40,000
2. Goreng ayam, rice, vegetables,  sambal @ IDR25,000

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