Wednesday, 9 May 2018

LTF Spring Ride (14-26 April 2018), Day 10 : Leisure day in Chishang

We are always there for you, supporting you!!!
Riding out together
Even when the road ahead is uncertain, we go together as ONE
Looking ahead, postively!
Follow the PATH
There's no wheel of fortune, we make our own destiny
Takeshi Kaneshiro tree. 
One for the road
Come rain...
Or shine...
...even in darkness...
...there's light...
...when friends come together!

It was a leisurely day for us. Beginning with a late morning, the few of us from Sink B & B ordered our breakfast to go in order to eat with the rest at Humble Hostel. However, thanks to the café opening later than usual, Claudine had swallowed most of her complimentary breakfast by the time the bagels were toasting in the oven. As a consolation, a vegetarian meal was no loss to the rest!

When breakfast was done, YC led us on a tour of Chishang. Beginning from the canal with the mock water wheel, we went through endless fields of green paddy. Stopping by the “Takeshi Kaneshiro” tree for an up close, we then went on to the village for a coffee break before the tofu factory for snacks. Thereafter, it was back to the town center for beef noodles.

At the unsuspecting cafe in the village
Rustic village house
Chief with cafe lady boss
Snacking on tofu, tofu skin, tofu fa and soya bean milk
Snacking on tofu, tofu skin, tofu fa and soya bean milk
Back to town for beef noodle
Back to town for beef noodle
Every reasons to cheer!

It was a small town and with nothing much to do, we spent the rest of the afternoon hotel shopping; checking out Frank’s place and allowing the rest to take a peek of Sink.

At Frank's place
Peering out through Khee Jin's private balcony at Sink B&B
In the evening, we regrouped again to ride back to the paddy fields, this time stopping by a village restaurant for aboriginal food. Some enjoyed it but those who hated it, ranted over the dry chicken for months! Good meal or bad meal, nobody went to bed hungry for we ended the night at a convenience store, piling up on calories, carefree chatter and camaraderie….. despite the intermittent rain!

Photo credit :

Favourite pic, thanks KC!

Tofu factory

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